Stopping time & finding flow at the place of Angels

Luxuriously at one with nature
June 18, 2020
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Stopping time & finding flow at the place of Angels

Wellness Warenhouse article

Time is the currency of life. We have about 2.5 billion heartbeats with which to savour our lives, and stopping the relentless march of activity to slip into the sweet space of absolute rest is necessary medicine.

While we can’t all become urban monks, we can take a few days to snap out of the trance of perpetual motion. Almost anything will work again if you unplug it for a while – including you.

Your version of unplugging could look like taking a few sacred moments to stretch, nap, read a book or make love. My favourite way to take my foot off the accelerator and pull over for a bit of a breather is to escape the madding crowd for a few days of yoga and downtime in a balmy natural setting.


Wellness Warenhouse article